Current Issue

Volume: 11 Issue: 24, 12/31/24

Year: 2024



This Journal is a publication of the Faculty of Engineering of Adıyaman University and has been publishing online in the number ISSN 2149-0309 since 2014. Journal of Engineering Sciences of Adıyaman University is an interdisciplinary journal covering basic engineering subjects. The journal aims to follow developments in the engineering sciences, to provide the most up-to-date scientific and technological developments to researchers, engineers and related masses and to contribute to national and international developments of professional organizations and individuals. Journal of Engineering Sciences of Adıyaman University prioritizes the publishing of articles on rapidly developing fields of engineering and aims to focus on interdisciplinary methods and technologies.


The scope of the Journal of Engineering Sciences is relatively broad and includes research articles on the original experimental and theoretical progress made in the engineering sciences in order to shed light on the knowledge base and technological developments of the engineering sciences.

Journal of Engineering Science of Adıyaman University has been published in the fields of Environmental Engineering, Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Food Engineering, Mapping Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and other related fields. Journal of Engineering Science of Adıyaman University is published in these fields in order to create a Turkish resource. The writing languages of journal are in Turkish and English.

When submitting an article to our journal, please enter information such as article name etc. with the first letter capitalized.
You can download the article template containing the writing rules of our journal from the link below.


Please upload your article by recreating it in the template file above. If the article is prepared using the styles in our journal template, the preliminary control of the article by the secretary will be completed faster and the process will proceed faster.
Articles that do not comply with the template of our journal and do not comply with the spelling rules will be returned by the journal secretariat without starting the process. The responsibility in this regard belongs to the author/authors.
In addition to the full text of your article, the following forms must be filled out, signed and uploaded during the submission of your article to our journal.

Copyright Transfer Form (pdf format)

Conflict of Interest Declaration Form (pdf format)

Similarity Report (See the section on Plagiarism Check in the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy section)

All manuscripts submitted to Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Sciences are checked using plagiarism detection software (iThenticate) and all manuscripts that do not comply with the criteria in the Plagiarism Control section of the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy section are returned to the author by the journal secretariat.
All articles submitted to Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Sciences are subjected to a blind peer-review process. The article evaluation policy of our journal is included in the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy section under the heading Evaluation Policy.
The page limit for articles is twenty (20) pages.

Citation in the Article
The references cited in the article are numbered in [ ] brackets according to the order they appear in the text. If it is desired to refer to the previously numbered source again, the previous number is used.
If the author's name is used at the beginning of the sentence or as a natural part of it, the source is indicated in parentheses.
Kartal [2] conducted a study on layered composite plates...
In case of two authors, both authors' surnames are used.
Kartal and Aydin [24] reported that fibrous polymers reinforced ...
In case of more than two authors, the surname of the first author is followed by “et al.”.
Bozkurt et al. [5] in a study by Bozkurt et al.
If the author's name is not used as a natural part of the sentence, the source or sources [ ] are given in parentheses without the author's name.
...... does not apply to composite materials [9].
Recent studies on fibrous polymers [3, 6, 20] for reinforcement ......
References in the References section should be cited as in the examples below:

Reddy JN. Mechanics of laminated composite plate and shells: theory and analysis. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2004.
Timoshenko S, Goodier JN. Theory of elasticity. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1951.

Periodical Journals:
Nayak AK, Shenoi RA, Moy SSJ. Transient response of composite sandwich plates. Composite Structures 2004;64(8):249–267.
Khdeir AA, Reddy JN. On the forced motions of anti-symmetric cross-ply laminated plates. International Journal of Mechanical Science 1989;31:499–510.

Matveev MY, Long AC, Jones IA. Mechanical properties of textile composites with variability in micromechanical properties. In: 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Venice, Italy; 2012.
Pekel H, Keles I, Temel B, Tutuncu N. Transient response of FGM pressure vessels. In: 10th International Conference on Vibration Problems ICOVP, Prague, Czech Republic; 2011.

Narayanan G.V. Numerical operational methods in structural dynamics. Ph.D. thesis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota; 1979.
Hayat A. Design and analysis of steel industrial structures. Master's thesis. Adiyaman: Adiyaman University; 2009.


Design and construction rules for reinforced concrete structures. Turkish Standards Institute, TS 500; 2000.
Standard test method for tensile properties of plastics. American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM, D638-10; 2010.

WEB Addresses:
SAP2000 v16 new features. (Access Date: 06.05.2024)

All articles to be submitted to Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Sciences must be prepared within the rules of scientific ethics. In all processes carried out regarding all articles submitted to our journal, we take into account the publication and ethical policies of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which is recognized as an international standard for publication ethics, and follow its guidelines.

Ethical Responsibilities for the Editorial Board
Editorial Board of the journal,
- to support its development,
- review and improve spelling rules,
- To create and contribute to the development of publication processes and publication policies
and their roles and responsibilities in this regard.

Ethical Responsibilities for Editors, Associate Editors and Section Editors
Editors, Assistant Editors and Area Editors
- While evaluating the articles, they take into account the original value of the articles, contribution to the discipline, validity and reliability of the research method, clarity of expression, and the purpose and scope of the journal,
- act according to the principles of openness when reviewers, authors/authors, researchers, practitioners and readers need information,
- Unless there is a significant problem in the submitted manuscripts, they do not change the decisions made by the previous editor/editors and refer to the reviewer' suggestions,
- They apply the journal's editorial policies of blind review and evaluation process, keep the identity of the reviewers confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated within the deadline according to objective criteria,
- take into account their areas of specialization when sending manuscripts to reviewer,
- support objective and independent peer review,
- They send articles outside their discipline of specialization to the section editors,
- For the objective evaluation of manuscripts, editors consider whether there is a conflict of interest between the reviewers and the author/authors,
- seek to ensure that the pool of reviewer is broad and constantly updated,
- prevent unscientific and unscientific evaluations that do not comply with academic conventions.
- ensures the operation of journal publication processes and publication policies,
- The Ministry maintains effective communication with those involved in the publication process, organizes meetings at regular intervals, and provides information,
- ensure the protection of personal data in articles; they protect the individual data of authors, reviewers and readers,
- reject the manuscript in the absence of ethics committee approval for the participants of the article and permission for experimental research.
- protect the intellectual property rights of published articles and defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of violation,
- They take precautions to ensure that the content of the published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications by checking the similarity of the articles.

Ethical Responsibilities for Reviewer
- know that the evaluation process is confidential and should not be shared with third parties,
- submit an objective, scientific, comprehensible and constructive evaluation report on the study within the specified period,
- evaluation reports, the scientific quality of the article (the topic addressed, originality, methodology used, or appropriate use of relevant literature) and the relevant information about the organization,
- They conclude that major changes are necessary, few corrections are necessary, the article is not suitable for publication, or the article can be published as it is,
- If they determine that the work has been plagiarized or has been previously published elsewhere, they immediately notify the editor.

Ethical Responsibilities for Author /Authors
- should not submit an article that they have published elsewhere or submitted for publication to our journal,
- must submit an original article to our journal,
- correctly cite the sources they utilize during the writing of the article in line with ethical principles.
- should not include the names of people who do not contribute to the article as authors, and should not suggest changing the order of authors, removing authors, or adding authors to an article that has been submitted for publication,
- should notify the editors of any conflict of interest/conflict of interest related to the article submitted for publication,
- If information and/or raw data are requested during the evaluation process, they should provide the expected information and/or the Editors,
- They should document that they have obtained the rights to use the data they use in their articles, permissions related to research and analysis, or the consent of the participants on whom they conducted research,
- For research that requires data collection by quantitative or qualitative methods such as experiments, surveys, scales, interviews, observations, focus group studies, etc. that require ethics committee approval, the name of the ethics committee, the date and number of the decision should be indicated on the last page of the candidate article and in the method section, and the document showing the ethics committee decision should be uploaded to the system with the application of the article,
- For research using animals or harmful substances that require ethics committee approval, the name of the ethics committee, the date and number of the decision should be indicated on the last page of the candidate article and in the method section, and the document showing the ethics committee decision should be uploaded to the system with the application of the article,
- provide evidence that they pay attention to ethical principles during the data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others to use their documents such as scales, questionnaires, photographs, etc.) in the article,
- the research and publication ethics and copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works.

All articles submitted to Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Sciences are checked using plagiarism detection software (iThenticate), and in line with the similarity report determined by the software, the editorial board decides whether the article should be sent for peer review or rejected directly.
The similarity rate of the articles should not exceed 3% from the same source and 20% in total, excluding the References List and all matching examples under 9 words from the reports. iThenticate software is recommended for similarity reports.

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is the digital identifier of articles. They allow articles to be uniquely identified and reliably accessed. Our journal contributes to the unique identification of accepted articles by assigning a DOI number to them after evaluation.

The journal is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal and is published three times a year in April, August and December in electronic media.

Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Sciences accepts articles written in Turkish and English.

Any information shared by the authors during the article submission and publication processes will be used exclusively for the purposes of our journal and will not be shared with third parties and institutions.

Our Advisory Board assists the editorial team in matters of publication policies and practices. Board members are selected from trusted and respected individuals who are competent in their disciplines.

Authors must register before submitting to the journal. Once registered, they can start the 5-digit submission process via the Login link.
Readers are encouraged to register for the publication notification service. This can be done through the Registration link at the top of the journal home page. Readers who register for this service will receive the Table of Contents page via e-mail each time a new issue is published.
As stated in the journal's privacy statement, authors' identifying information and e-mail addresses will not be used for any other purposes.
We recommend research libraries to include this journal in their electronic journal collection. It should be noted that the journal's open-code publishing system may also be suitable for use in other journals where academics using the library participate in the publication process.

Research articles to be submitted for publication to Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Sciences should be original and prepared to bring a new dimension to the subjects of engineering disciplines.
The originality of the study, the importance and usefulness of the findings in terms of engineering disciplines are very important for the acceptance of the articles.
Articles submitted to Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Sciences should not have been published in any other language or in any other journal and should not be in the evaluation process on any other platform.
We would like to point out that we have a strict ethical violation policy for research articles submitted to our journal. If any ethical violation is detected in the article, the process will be terminated regardless of the process of the article.
Articles that do not comply with the template of our journal and do not comply with the spelling rules will be returned to the author by the journal secretariat without initiating the process. The responsibility in this regard belongs to the author/authors.
All articles submitted to our journal are checked using plagiarism detection software (iThenticate), and all articles that do not comply with the criteria in the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy section under the heading of INPIRACY CHECKING above are returned to the author by the journal secretariat.
In our journal, the journal editor and/or journal editorial board members may decide to reject a submitted article without sending it to the section editor and/or reviewer, as appointing reviewer for each article would lead to labor, time and financial losses. Reviewer are appointed only for papers that can be sent to the section editor and/or reviewer.
Articles that are passed by the editor and/or the Journal Editorial Board are evaluated by the “blind reviewer” method. Articles that are reviewed by the editors and of sufficient quality are sent to two separate reviewer. In case of disagreement between two reviewer, a third referee is consulted.
Reviewer are obliged to return after evaluating the publications directed to them according to the specified criteria. If the referee fails to make the evaluation within this period, the editors withdraw the article from the referee and direct the article to the third and/or fourth referee.
The editor and/or the section editor may make additional evaluations or suggestions to the reviewer' evaluations if deemed necessary.
Reviewer' opinions only provide the editors with an opinion on the final decision. The final decision belongs only to the editors.
In line with the notes of the editor and the section editor and the reports of the reviewer, it is decided to publish the article, to request corrections from the author or to reject the article.
In articles where corrections are requested, the editor's notes and referee reports (without specifying the names of the reviewer) are sent to the authors via the system. After making the requested corrections, the author re-uploads the manuscript to the system and the manuscript is resubmitted to the relevant referee(s). The process continues until the relevant editor/ section editor evaluates the corrections made by the reviewer and approves the manuscript for publication.
Articles submitted for publication in the opinion articles section of the journal are evaluated by the editors of the journal. If the editors deem necessary, they may ask the relevant reviewer to evaluate the article and ask the authors for the necessary corrections or reject the article.
The editors decide in which issue of the journal the accepted articles will be published.
The publication process of the articles submitted to the journal is expected to be finalized within 9-12 months depending on the number of articles submitted and the number of articles waiting to be published.

All authors in the article must sign the Copyright Form indicating that they give the publication rights of their work to Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Sciences and upload it in the file upload option in the Dergipark system. All legal responsibilities arising from the content of the articles to be published in the journal and legal responsibilities that may arise regarding copyrights belong entirely to the authors. None of the views and opinions in the article can be attributed to the journal, editors, reviewer or the publisher, Adıyaman University and its units.
Authors can publish their works published in this journal in their personal websites or institutional archives before and after publication by referring to this journal in accordance with the rules of librarianship.
Articles published in our journal cannot be published elsewhere or presented as a paper. Some or all of the articles cannot be used without reference to our journal.

Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Sciences has adopted an open access policy. In this direction, our journal provides added value in its area by providing more access to its articles and a more transparent evaluation process.

Our journal is an open access journal and is free of charge for all authors and readers.